Only very few modern PEMF systems for home use are equipped with sophisticated monitoring and analyzing technology, capable of measuring physiological  functions during an external stimulus.
The iMRS prime system also has biofeedback technology monitoring-analysis-evaluation.SpO2 and HRV evaluation. It is a medical grade sensor to detect blood oxygen saturation, shows the heart rate and the HRV indicator will show the balance of the autonomic nervous system.
Feedback automatically adjusts the magnetic field to the desired intensity and frequency during treatment. If the membrane potential is low, red blood cells stick together, as a result the blood does not carry oxygen and nutrients well. This also leads to a number of diseases in the body. During PEMF therapy, the system increases the intensity to properly shake the body cells, thereby increasing the distance between them to deliver more oxygen to all organs.
              The PEMF system involves a sequential change in signal polarity from south to north and vice versa. Polarity switching occurs when the current in the circuit changes direction. This prevents the body from becoming fatigued by the same waveform.
              Our bodies and brains, as well as planetary systems, change frequencies at different times of the day. This has a profound effect on our wake/sleep cycles and energy/fatigue phases over a 24-hour period.
The System automatically provides appropriate frequency ranges depending on the execution time of the PEMF application.
The System automatically provides appropriate frequency ranges depending on the execution time of the PEMF application.
The System automatically provides appropriate frequency ranges depending on the execution time of the PEMF application.
Morning setting -15 Hz (Beta)
Afternoon setting -5.5 Hz (Alpha)
Evening setting -3 Hz (Theta)
Night setting -0.5 Hz (Delta)
               iMRS Prime with hybrid whole body mat provides simultaneous application of PEMF and FIR, enhancing the health-promoting effects of electromagnetic vibrations within the biological window.
The Exagon FIR Full Body Mat is comprised of an additional layer of carbon fiber wire mesh that emits an ideal and evenly distributed spectrum of wavelengths to create Resonant Absorption FIR creates a holistic effect from the inside out (similar to PEMF) = thermal AND a-thermal radiation will be absorbed and amplified due to vibrational and rotational effects on a multi-molecular level.
Scientific experiments have repeatedly proven that infrared heat strengthens tendons, ligaments and muscles, which helps reduce the risk of injury. In addition, it increases finger mobility, which gradually minimizes the symptoms of rheumatism.
The effect of FAR infrared heat helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, improve its regeneration after injuries, speed up the treatment of many diseases of varying severity, and eliminate pain. FAR infrared waves are a wonderful preventive measure, due to which blood circulation is stimulated, brain cells are activated, damaged connective tissue is restored, etc.
With the help of infrared radiation, qualified doctors have long learned to alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, circulatory, immune and other body systems. The wide range of healing properties of IR radiation is complemented by the ability to effectively affect human skin, ridding it of toxins and dead cells, and creating an ideal hydrolipid balance.
Benefits of FIR:
Chronic pain, arthritis, joint stiffness, inflammation and insomnia. Improves circulation, improves blood flow to organs, supports cardiovascular health. Correlates with overall health improvement. Stimulates microcirculation, dilating blood vessels and capillaries. Improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to speed up cellular repair. Improves digestive issues. Relieves stress. Accelerates regeneration. The benefits of sunlight without the risks. Penetrates faster and provides a faster response in the body, and its warming benefits last after use due to resonant absorption. A body of clinical evidence supports far infrared as a non-invasive application that promotes health.
              If our bodies are separated or blocked from exposure to natural beneficial waves - Schumann resonance (eg by living and working in concrete, steel and metal buildings, driving cars on paved roads and electrical pollution from ultra high frequency radiation from cell phones, microwave ovens, cordless home phones, WIFI networks, radar/satellite signals etc.), these artificial frequencies are in the gigahertz range (billions of cycles per second) - Microwaves at 2.4 GHz - ELECTROSMOG. Electrosmog radiation causes loss of cell membrane integrity, which leads to a weakened immune system and, as a result, to diseases. Do not forget that chemical additives in food also undermine our health. The regulatory gene (in each cell) controls the rate of cell division. If this DNA sequence is exposed to radiation, the cell will die or can be biochemically altered - also called a mutation. Instead of dividing into daughter cells through mitosis, it starts producing trillions of cells - this is what we call cancer - one mutation in one gene can kill you. The fact that health starts at the cellular level is scientifically proven.
With all the available treatments and cures for diseases of civilization, etc., and the knowledge that diseases are caused by exposure to harmful frequencies in our lives, starting with a pulsed electromagnetic field system to restore health at the cellular level makes sense.
The PEMF system, working at the cellular level, cleanses the cells of all toxins while energizing them.


PEMF Pro Okanagan
116-3030 South Main Street
Penticton, BC, Canada V2A 5J6
+1 (250) 328-8698
© 2024 Copyright PEMF Pro Okanagan